Liquid Motivation: Trois Brasseurs

image_3I’m embarrassed at how behind I am on our liquid motivation posts. This one is from TAHITI for goodness sakes! I could blame the storm, the haul out, or the passages, but it is really because I’ve been lame.

While we were in Tahiti, working our arses of at our haul out, we were a short walk away from the only place in Tahiti that brews something resembling a microbrew – Les Trois Brasseurs. This is the same cold deliciousness that is served at the Dinghy Dock Pub by the large marina in Tahiti which we have also sampled.

image_2Well, thank you Dana G for a round of cold ones at the Dinghy Dock Pub. And just to prove that we have firmly internalized the frugal values of the CFSA, we provide proof that we went at the two for one special and were able to get 4 (yes, *4*) beers in Tahiti (where beer is so not cheap).

image_1And thank you, thank you, Gary B, for the opportunity to stuff ourselves with burgers and pizza* (and beers of course) at the Trois Brasseurs main location in downtown Papeete, Tahiti.

On a cruising budget, eating out in Tahiti is not something we can treat ourselves to often. We enjoyed every single bite and those calories went to good use in the several weeks of boatwork (which is also on my blog catch up agenda).

*Incidentally, what is with cruisers and our obsession with finding burgers and/or pizza after landfall. Neither Carol or I were huge burger eaters but man-oh-man do we crave them when we arrive in a "city”.

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