Mt Llanover Hike

At Roscoe Bay there is a trail to the top of Mt Llanover where you can get a nice overlook of Desolation Sound. It is about 6k and at this time of year most of the trail is submerged in what appeared to be a seasonal creek. Slippery, a fair amount of altitude, beautiful with a great summit view and a cache at the top to leave a note. Thank you SV Pelagia for the recommendation!

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P1010941 (1280x960)Many of you know our engagement story (and why our boat is named Estrellita 5.10b) – I decided to recreate Carol’s engagement with the note we left in the cache at Mt Llewyn. Let us know if you see it on your hike.

Thankfully he said yes – whew!

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1 comment:

  1. good hikes with good views are hard to come by upisland -- hence the mt llanover hike is a treat (especially on a hot summer day). glad yo found it! david (sv pelagia)



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