Victoria, BC – Cruising heritage

I’ve already mentioned the article I wrote for Three Sheets NW about Victoria. I was meaning to write something for this blog on the cruising history of Victoria. In particular, I wanted to go through the plaques that are on the waterfront right in front of the Empress but I ran out of time to do the research. You will recognize many of these names and perhaps can add your own stories?

If you are looking for material for a cruising article, I think this would be an excellent topic (email and I would be happy to send you the original photos when I have solid internet if you want to write one).

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Post Comments


  1. That's pretty cool. I've met Tony Gooch, a very nice man - a real fountain of knowledge... perhaps you could ask him to participate in Interview with a Cruiser, I believe he and his wife have done a lot of cruising. Kyra

  2. There is also Val and Earnest Haigh on Saltspring Island who sailed around the world and at least one more Pacific circle on their trimaran Tryste. Including a passage from Hawaii to Alaska (inadvertently) when one ama separated (as in fell off) from the other hulls effectively preventing them from tacking to BC. Great story, really really nice people.



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