Liquid Motivation: Tongan Beer

P1040289One of the joys of traveling for us is sampling the local beers. We have tried two very tasty beers (made by the same local brewery) with big thanks from two sources.

First, we want to thank Joe and Carla for buying us a fat sack of frosty Outrigger beers. If you look closely you can see that the person on the label is inside a traditional outrigger, fishing with a hand line. Thank you, thank you Joe and Carla. Let’s hope we can share some cold ones with you at some point on the water.

Second, one of the joys of having done the Interview With  A Cruiser Project is that as we have been cruising I have run into a number of my interviewees. Here in Tonga we met up with Kjell and family and he met us with a bag of PoPao (same company as Outrigger). Kjell is an awesome guy and if you are thinking of vacationing in Tonga, you should consider staying at Mystic Sands – a lovely resort owned by a former cruiser who fell in love with Tonga and never left.

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