Land Locked Newbies Asking for Advice

You know the couple. They come to the boat show, or the forums. He has sailed and she hasn't. They live in a landlocked area and they have been reading a lot of books. They have never lived on a boat.

They say that they want to buy a boat and take off in just a few years and sail around the world. They ask some naive questions. They look and/or sound a little nervous. They don't know any cruisers personally and don't have any sailing mentors yet.

You wonder if they will ever go and if they will hate it if they do. You remember the dozens of other people who said the same things and never left.

That was us.

We were those people at the 2007 Seattle Boat Show and on Thank you to all of the people who took the time to help us, to mentor us, to encourage us, and pppphhhbbbttt to the few who rolled their eyes ;)


  1. You two rock and are a lonnnggggg way from the newbie dock now! Congrats on gaining experience and sharing it here on your website. Now get back out there in the SoPac and warm us up with some pictures.

  2. That sounds a bit like my wife and I now. Well said!

  3. That sounds like us too, except we have never sailed until recently! Originally we were going to wait for our daughter to finish college, but now we have decided it would be smarter to spend time not land locked so we can learn. We plan to move in about 1 year 2 months and live aboard while working ashore either in Galveston, TX or in Florida or California. Still time to figure out where.

  4. My wife and I are those newbies right now! I can't say how much I appreciate your commentary on this topic. I know there's people out there who will roll their eyes at newbies, but I'm sure the majority will be helpful. I'll need to get used to that; seems like most land-locked people I'm surrounded by are pessimistic and unhelpful.


  5. What a great post, and welcome back to the South Pacific soon!
    -Karen aboard Sockdolager



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