Logbook: Rebecca Spit Marine Park

P1020013 (960x1280) Rebecca Spit Marine Park was an unexpected stop.

For those that know Desolation Sound, we left Roscoe Bay intending to go through Hole In The Wall to the Octopus Islands and ended up at Rebecca Spit. Why? Because we wanted to sail, and we hate motoring into headwinds to make a specific time (slack) when we have plenty of wind to sail. So, instead of motoring, we turned our back to the wind and sailed to Rebecca Spit.

It was a great day of sailing in the sun. We sailed so slowly that our fishing line kept catching up to us…but it was sunny and bobbing around on the water in the sun, as long as the current is moving you toward your goal and away from the crunchies, is a great way to spend a day.

This “alternate anchorage” method of cruising is becoming normal for us.

Rebecca Spit is long rocky strip of land protuding out and sheltering a large bay – similar to Sidney Spit in BC or Port Angeles, WA for those that have seen either of those.

It turns out that Rebecca Spit is beautiful *and* had Skype-able internet. With a little help from our long range antenna and an unlocked signal, we were able to video-Skype with our families.

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We BBQd on deck and rowed the dinghy to shore to walk around the well maintained and well used community path. Lovely.

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We only spent one night at Rebecca Spit Marine Park as we were excited to get to Octopus Islands and to our friends aboard SV Bella Star who were already anchored there.

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1 comment:

  1. So great seeing you guys! Can't wait to meet up on the West Coast. And in Mexico. :)

    Enjoy Haida Gwaii!

    s/v Bella Star



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