Road Trip: World Series & Odds’n’ends

Thanks to our most excellent friends Heather & Ryan, we attended Game 1 of the World Series in San Francisco. We hadn’t planned to visit the city by car because we will be there by boat next year, but good friends, WS tix, and a crash pad were enough to tempt us.

The ballpark overlooks the bay which gives is a wonderful view and also allows boats to ‘tailgate’.

At the Stadium – Carol with his World Series hat (and pin):

Garlic fries and the after-party:

After the game, we headed into Sonoma valley for one olive oil tasting (which ended up being a wine tasting as well because they make wine too) and one very, very delicious reserve tasting at Chateau St Jean. We ♥ Chateau St Jean. Yum, yum, yum. Oh my, I may leave Carol for the Cinq Cepage.

The road trip ended with us booking North fast up I-5, stopping in Eugene for a microbrew taster and spending a relaxing day hanging out with my family before taking the ferry to our floating home.

Another thing I haven’t mentioned yet was the large number of drive-thru coffee stands we visited. In addition to my fixation with Americana, I love the drive-thru coffee stand culture. This may surprise people who are not from the West Coast as drive-thru coffees in most other places mean Starbucks or something that looks like the Golden Arches. Originally a big Seattle area phenomena, coffee shacks are something I came of age enjoying and I love the way they have become similar to the gas stations on Route 66 – small, decorated, embedded in their neighborhood but catering to the traveler. Love them.

Post Comments


  1. Never really thought about the coffee stands as being similar to the old gas stations I enjoyed as a little kid (and not just on Rt. 66), but you're right. I wonder if they'll pass, as everything does, and today's kids will wax nostalgic about them like I do about the gas stations.

  2. "similar to the gas stations on Route 66 – small, decorated, embedded in their neighborhood but catering to the traveler"

    How very perceptive, and true!



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