Logbook: Esquimalt to Sidney

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Leaving Esquimalt this year was only slightly different from leaving Victoria last year. Instead of a big Bon Voyage party the night before, we had a few friends over for bon voyage wine a few nights before. Instead of leaving the docks with guests early the next morning (and going against the tide), we meandered around doing last minute tasks until noon and then took off with the tide (on accident). Either way we were heavy on our waterline with food and wine.

A last minute throw of the car keys for the car we had been borrowing from the deck of our boat back to the dock as we were motoring away was the only drama…and we were off (again). Good catch foreshore crew!

We put up the sails in Esquimalt Harbour and sailed the entire way to Sidney Spit where we sat out in the cockpit, at sunset, and enjoyed champagne. As the friends at the mini-bon voyage said “nothing says bon voyage like cheap champagne”.

We stopped at a dock in Sidney (SNSYC again) to have dinner with good friends Marv & Donna who have (without their permission) mentored us as we got ready to cast off.

Post Comments


  1. ah, the good life.
    you seem to be transparent in that particular photo.

  2. Glad you enjoyed the cheap champagne! Bon Voyage and I'm enjoying your blog very much!

  3. @Herb - invisibly happy ;)
    @NM - THANK YOU and I'm glad you are enjoying.



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