Fulaga is definitely a new favorite place – in the “view from the cockpit” category, our little nook just north of the sandspit anchorage in Fulaga is easily in our top 5 anchorages we’ve been in the South Pacific (so far).

Why? A lagoon that is essentially all under 50 feet means the colors pop everywhere. We were in 10-15 feet of sand in the four places we anchored which meant that the colors surrounding the boat were vivid (when it was sunny). The lagoon is dotted with limestone islets which made me dream of SE Asia. The water is clear, very clear. The long sandy shallows off the beaches were perfect for long slow stand up paddle boarding sessions. Add to that a pass with live coral and some lovely beaches and…three weeks sped by.

The pass is what Carol and I would call a “real” pass – meaning that it is, safely navigable, but should be taken seriously. Tip: The common knowledge about the slack tides (LWS 2:15 hours after LW at Moala in WXTide and HWS approximately the same as HW) seemed right to us. The pass is narrow and slightly curved with some eddies and standing waves on the ebb. At flood and slacks, we found the pass flat even in the 20 knots of cross wind we exited the atoll in.
Now that Fulaga is the popular place to go in the Fiji cruising circuit, the remoteness of it still dissuades some boats from making the upwind trek. We didn’t mind the 20 boat crowd in the atoll because it was still easy to find an anchorage to oneself if you wish and with 20 boats the villagers weren’t too concerned if we didn’t show up for every event. Perfect for us.

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