Logbook: Tahanea (again)


P1030105P1030154It isn’t a surprise to us that when we were choosing which Tuamotus to visit on our  “goodbye tour” of French Polynesia that Tahanea and Fakarava topped the list. Rangiroa, if it were closer to the other two, would have been a contender as well.

Tahanea has fantastic pass diving and snorkeling plus gorgeous remote motu living with sand plateau after sand plateau in the South.

P1030207We started off our stay here in the company of SV Miramis whom we met on our last day in Mangareva and MV Domino whom we met on arrival in Tahanea.

To me, there is not much else to say about Tahanea. The reason is that Tahanea is a sensory overload experience. I can show some of the visual overload in photos and add some of the activity and audio in videos, but I’m left at a loss to better describe the impressions I have of it in words.

I’ll end this post with a few photos and include a few more photo posts from here. We took a lot of video and I expect that it will feature prominently at some point on our Youtube channel.


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