Logbook: Motu Tauna (Mangareva)


IMG_7715Motu Tuana has that ridiculously blue water surrounding it that I associate with the best waters of French Polynesia. I imagine that people think I’m photoshopping/color-popping my photos but at times (not always) the water really is that blue.

It’s a small motu with a small building on it that is used when the family that owns it visits for a picnic or fishing weekend or whatever.

In addition to ridiculously blue water, it has an incredibly long sand spit off the south side which is where we spent our time kiteboarding. Flat water just downwind of the sandspit, the safety of kiting upwind of the sandspit as we were teaching friends to kite, unobstructed wind S of the motu. Lovely.


P1020553I managed to go the entire time we were there (over two visits) without taking underwater photos but the water clarity was excellent and there were a lot of great snorkeling. A lot of flat topped coral and as usual in the Gambiers, a lot of fish.

The sand was nice fine white sand and we spent a number of nights drinking and cooking over a small fire with fellow cruiser-kiters.

(another) Paradise found. A new favorite place indeed.

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