Cruising Tweeners

The average age of the cruising community is probably somewhere just below traditional retirement age. When Carol and I started cruising we were a few decades younger than average and although we were certainly not young, we were considered “younger cruisers”.

Now that we are hitting 40, it seems a stretch to call P1020070ourselves “younger cruisers”. Although still in the younger half of the cruising community, to be included with the 20 and 30 somethings seems to be claiming something we are not ;)

I’ve adopted the phrase “Tweeners” to describe those cruisers who are in their 40s and 50s. We aren’t standard retirement age but we aren’t exactly young either. We are beTWEEN those two groups. I wish I could remember where I first read this phrase to give credit but I can’t. Personally, I’m looking forward to a few decades of Tweener membership.

Although age isn’t a barrier in making cruising friendships, and we make friends in all age groups, it would be misleading to say that age isn’t relevant. Most younger cruisers are excited to meet other younger cruisers. Having something in common (like an entire generation of culture) is fun. Divers search out other divers. Kids boats search out kids boats for obvious reasons. Child-free Tweeners search out other child-free Tweeners. Kiters look for other kiters.

And then at the end of the day we all get together for sundowners…

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