A Month of Comments

It was a real treat to download our email in Hiva Oa and see all of the comments left on our blog or emailed directly to us. We read them together in a single sitting. Thank you to everyone for your support.

Our internet is too scarce to reply to comments directly so I decided to go through the comments while offline and write a response post.

Is the grass greener on the other side? Literally, yes. The Marquesas are much greener than Baja California Mexico although we expect the Tuamotus to be much less green. Figuratively, it is too early to tell. Right now we are in the honeymoon stage of arriving in a country. Everything is new and shiny and fantastic. It will take a while for the warts to show and for us to form a more balanced opinion.

Do you pole out your tack or clew on the asymm spinnaker?  We pole out the clew. Our tack is on an ATN Tacker around the furler. I am curious to know how poling out the tack would work?

So you're saying bluewater sailing is like blues dancing? I *hope* there is less danger of chafe in blues dancing and our boat has more cheese (but it is real cheese).

RE: Naked yet? A picture would help. Oh it definitely would but you don’t get one ;)

3 people on a passage gives you so much more sleep. Yes, but then you have to wear clothes!

How are we still posting? We use our SSB radio with a pactor modem to send text emails. I configured blogger to allow email-to-blog and so I can send an email to blogger which ends up being posted on the blog. We were waaaay out of wifi/3G range. Also, remember that I am always writing posts and when I get into wifi range I usually upload a bunch of posts with pictures. BUT rather than have the posts all go up at once I schedule them for one a day or one every other day. This means that the posts are likely to be weeks behind where we actually are right now. If you want to know where we are right now, see the note on our lat-long below.

Wedges. To everyone who suggested various ways of wedging yourself so you can sleep during the roll. Thank you. I plan on trying them out in the future. We used pillows semi-successfully.

Boobies. We did eventually lose the boobies. I can’t remember how far offshore we were but they stopped trying to land on the boat. We still saw birds but these were seabirds that weren’t interested in our boat although they would occasionally check out our lures.

Can you put your location (lat-long) on your posts? We’re updating our position as we move on our map (check on the blog on the upper right for “where are we now”. Or you can always go to winlink.org or shiptrak.org directly and look us up with the callsign VA7LIV.

We are leaving the land of wifi again but we’ll get your comments on our next internet binge. Thanks for the interaction!

1 comment:

  1. Great answers. How smart to write the posts then schedule them to post later:D



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