
Excitement that wakes me up at night. Avoiding goodbyes because I hate to say them and because I prefer my last hangout time with someone to be happy not sad. Short but intense feelings of panic at the idea that we are really leaving North America. Giddy waves of disbelief that I'm reading guidebooks about the S Pacific because that is our next destination. Long periods of time when the idea that we are about to cross an ocean or that we might circumnavigate seem run-of-the-mill because so many people we know have done so (or know someone who has). Alternately worrying that we haven't prepared ourselves or the boat enough and feeling a quiet confidence that we are ready for this next step. Nostalgia for our admittedly brief time in Mexico, causing a desire to explore here more, competing with itchy feet ready to put this country behind us (for now). Awe and appreciation of the teamwork, focus and camaraderie that Carol and I have built for ourselves.

Happy. Anxious. Stoked.

Post Comments


  1. JJR
    From the many of us who wish, but don't, to the few of you who do; go
    with God and experience, experience,
    experience and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.
    1000 km offshore unsure how effective
    osmosis is but if it works their will
    be many of us quietly with you.

  2. Wow! I am excited for you! One of the things I think about alot with our trip is when we will cross the Pacific to make it to the islands...

    Enjoy that time...It will be long, and hopefully peaceful. Few people have ever done what you are about to do..


  3. You are on your way! After meeting both of you kiting at La Vantana we have been excited for you about your trip. Here's wishing you a safe and adventuresome cruise. We will keep an eye on your blog and track of your adventures.
    All the best, Gery and Lee Anne

  4. We're excited for ya'll! I'm surely a truly amazing lifetime experience awaits, and we look forward to hearing about it. Enjoy!



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