Cabo San Lucas

Anchored in Cabo with party boats We loved it.

Yes, it is a rolly anchorage (although Los Frailes was rollier for us). Yes, it is a madhouse of pangas, jet skis and parasailing. But Cabo is one of those truly beautiful locations that attracted people because of its beauty and over the course of years of tourism became a megacheesy town. If you have been to Phi Phi in Thailand, Cabo felt similar to us. Phi Phi is also stunningly beautiful and a full on frat party at the same time.

Anchor in crystal clear water

P1030133 (960x1280) The water was crystal clear. The beaches on the point were lovely. The snorkeling was fun. There was a local brewery (thank you Nicole!) where we had icy cold pints.

Why am I showing you this slightly blurry picture (left)? Cabo was the first time that we could see our anchor chain and anchor all of the way on the floor of the ocean 25 feet below us. Carol dove down and cleaned our prop because, for the first time, he could see it clearly AND the water was warm.

We stayed 3 nights. The port authority (API) wants money for anchoring (200 pesos we were told) and will occasionally come around the anchorage asking for it (not mentioned in the guidebook – perhaps new).

P1030135 (1280x960)

Post Comments


  1. Is there space inside the jetty to anchor, or were you charged for outside the harbor anchoring ?
    There was a time when sailing was hard but free living!

  2. This is outside the marina breakwater in the open harbor. API charges there and (apparently) in La Paz too although the enforcement seems to range widely.



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