We saved our most recent ad revenue check for our time in California. Today we put your efforts to good use with a trip to the Rogue Brewery at Washington Square in San Francisco.
After a hot sunny day of sight seeing we sat down overlooking the park and had an IPA and a Hefeweizen - we switched half-way. Super tasty.
More SF liquid motivation reports to come soon...
On a side note, a big thank you to whomever bought some Xerox cartridges through the Amazon link on the lower right of our home page. That added up to some real money on our end.
Please go to Anchor Steam Brewery. Its along a cable car route if I remember correctly, my all time fav brew, one of the 1st micros. I've been tasting since 1974.
ReplyDeleteThe two photos above appear to reveal a demented person, is it true, are there demented persons on this blog. It sure looks it.
A wee bit demented. Anchor Brewing's site says they are booked for tours until SEPTEMBER! I'll try calling Monday.