New Removable Solent Stay


Behold our new removable solent stay (or at least you can see the deck fitting here).

P1010703 (1280x960)

As I understand it, a solent stay is an inner forestay that runs parallel to the forestay and attaches not far behind it on the deck and not far below it on the mast. We had the crew at Blackline do a lot of the work on the mast and this is a good example of their quality. It is strong, simple, works with the existing hardware and looks sharp.

Here we have the double pad-eye on deck for the stay attachment and for the pennant to the tack of the sail.

 P1010704 (1280x960)

The padeye is connected with a Spectra lashing below the deck, inside the anchor locker to a second padeye which is through bolted into the existing stemplate on our bow.

 P1010705 (960x1280)

We’ll be testing out the new stay, with our recently converted storm jib (from furling to hank on) and I’ll talk about that afterwards as well as showing how the stay looks on deck and how we decide to deal with its stowage when not in use.

Post Comments


  1. I'm looking forward to reading more about this!


  2. Cool idea. You may find that the dyneema lashing underdeck experiences creep after extended loading. You might have to tighten the lashing after a year or so.

  3. Did you ever use your furling storm sail in anger? I just bought one and had them add #6 bolt rope, but thinking of converting to hanks and a solent stay as well. I'm just afraid of how hard it will be to pull off the furling jib to add the storm sail. I haven't ever had the chance to talk to anyone that has removed a jib in a gale to put up the storm... is it possible?

  4. We have a similar setup on our Pretorien. The padeye is right at the bulkhead of the anchor locker, so a few feet further back from yours. Our storm sail is setup with a low stretch halyard ready to go in the bag, and there is another low stretch halyard right on the mast. SO you just connect the sail halyard to the mast one, and the sail and bottom of the sail halyard to the padeye, and hoist. The sheets are already attached as well, so less time is spent on deck.

    Chris W.

  5. @Mike - forthcoming.
    @Sam - thanks for the tip.
    @Matt - nope. Haven't used it in anger. Your reasoning for converting to hanks is exactly why we did so. I can't imagine wrestling our jib or genoa off the furler when we need the storm jib.
    @Chris - we're still working on our bag for the storm jib on deck - any suggestions? We have a set of sheets and blocks for it as well - same thinking as you.



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