Boat Stamp

A long time ago, someone somewhere wrote that cruisers needed boat stamps to please local officials. Everyone rushed out to buy one. Then those who did never needed them and are understandably a bit bitter about the original suggestion.

We bought one, knowing we wouldn't need it, but because they are FUN.

We have a boat. *Clearly* we need a boat stamp.

We are now stamp-crazy. I've stamped our log book on the front page, our maintenance log, Carol stamped his favorite Don Casey book and I even stamped a paper bag just for you.

SV Estrellita 5.10b Boat Stamp

Post Comments


  1. love it!!! so cool.

  2. Awesome! I'd love to see some postcards from exotic (and not-so-exotic) places with just a boatstamp. :)

  3. Great idea! Can you tell us where you had it made?

  4. Definitely - It's a local place

    I walked in and explained what I was thinking, they emailed me a proof and then made it. It was $50 and I know that you can get a normal and/or smaller rubber stamp for much less money (this is a self-inking one and rather large) and also you can find them cheaper online. It can be re-inked although it is good for 1000 impressions or so. If the self-inker breaks the die can be removed and put in another or on a wooden handle.

  5. We ran off some boat cards a year ago and have found them handy:

    But not nearly as cool as the stamp!

  6. We have boat cards but a stamp- Genius! I love the idea of stamping books and trading them away and eventually meeting (at another island) someone who got from a friend one of my books. 'Oh YOUR Bright Eyes'!!

  7. Hey Livia,
    We're also planning on getting a stamp made for Siempre Sabado, and boat cards as well so your recent blog entries are right on time. Seeing as how July is fast approaching, maybe I'd better skip all this useless SSB and fuel filtering stuff and concentrate on the important things.

  8. @Christine - I like that idea too although I am mostly electronic for fiction nowadays. I love my Nook.

    @Steve - Silly monkey. How will you email-to-blog without your SSB! ;)

  9. Livia, Joey would really like me to get one since I think if I get one more book we're going to sink, but I'm just not sold. I'm scared of technology (funny since I'm an IT person) but the idea of it crashing and losing everything. ahhhh!

  10. I can't wait to receive mail adorned with the boat stamp.



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