All hail the new hailing port

A day in the life of a boat monkey worker.

After picking up groceries, stowing groceries, and cooking lunch I noticed that the sun was actually out. I have a long list of tasks that I'm half-way through that I need fair weather to finish so I dashed outside, dug through our deep storage areas in the cockpit (i.e., lazarettes) to find all of the bits that I needed to put on our new hailing port and went on the dock.

After spending 5 minutes adjusting the dock lines so that the boat was almost (but not quite) touching the dock, I scrubbed the stern, used some camping fuel to remove all traces of wax and then, with some soapy water, lay down the vinyl lettering we purchased almost 6 months ago.

60 minutes later I peeled off the backing - much like a temporary tattoo, and voila:

Our boat is now marked as from Victoria, a year after we imported the boat and registered it with the Coast Guard. You might remember our previous hailing port as Colorado Springs, CO.

Tomorrow I will put a few layers of wax over the letters to replace what I stripped off to protect the vinyl and also our hull.

We used Prism Graphics in Seattle, WA to generate and put on our original name and hailing port. They generated the new hailing port so that the size/color would match. We are very happy with their work, timing and support.

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  1. Hi Team Giddyup..

    I added your blog to the cruising blog search, but you didn't add a reply email.. I've got some suggestions for your blog if you are interested (both maps and photos).

    Please feel free to contact us if you have questions.

    BTW we are not a business or spammers.. just fellow cruisers (our Blog) trying to help those following in our wake.

    Best of luck on your preparations (where are you headed?)

    Chris + KT
    SV Billabong

  2. Hi Chris + KT,

    I had been on your sailing site before but just "saw" you again on sailnet. I emailed you regarding BlurbBits via your contact form.

    How was the return to land?

    Our general plans are these although, of course, we'll see.


  3. Return to land has been interesting.. We returned with a different mindset. Oh yeah and the looking for a job thing.. that's a pain!!

    Best of luck.. glad you are "playing things by ear". Cruising plans are about as solid as jello. We always said you can pick a time or a place (to visit us) but you can't pick both!!

    We'll be living vicariously through you!!



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